Install-Package Eto.Forms
Install-Package Eto.Platform.Gtk
Install-Package Eto.Platform.Windows
1 public partial class MainForm : Form 2 { 3 public MainForm() 4 { 5 InitializeComponent(); 6 } 7}
partial class MainForm { private void InitializeComponent() { var layout_left = new DynamicLayout { Padding = new Padding(10, 5, 5, 5), Spacing = new Size(5, 5), ClientSize = new Size(345, 426), MinimumSize = new Size(345, 426) }; var layout_right = new DynamicLayout { Padding = new Padding(5, 5, 5, 5), Spacing = new Size(5, 5), ClientSize = new Size(180, 426), MinimumSize = new Size(180, 426) }; var layout_serialPort = new DynamicLayout { Padding = new Padding(5, 15, 5, 5), Spacing = new Size(5, 5) }; _textAreaIn = new TextArea() { BackgroundColor = Colors.Black, TextColor = Colors.SpringGreen, }; _textAreaOut = new TextArea() { BackgroundColor = Colors.Black, TextColor = Colors.SpringGreen, }; layout_left.AddAutoSized(new Label() { Text = "接收区" }); layout_left.AddSeparateRow(new Panel() { Content = _textAreaIn, MinimumSize = new Size(345, 240), ClientSize = new Size(345, 240) }); layout_left.AddAutoSized(new Label() { Text = "发送区" }); layout_left.AddSeparateRow(new Panel() { Content = _textAreaOut, MinimumSize = new Size(345, 165), ClientSize = new Size(345, 165) }); _comboBoxSerialPortName = new ComboBox(); _comboBoxSerialBaudRate = new ComboBox(); _comboBoxSerialDataBits = new ComboBox(); _comboBoxSerialParity = new ComboBox(); _comboBoxSerialStopBits = new ComboBox(); _btnClear = new Button { Text = "清空收区" }; _btnClear.Click += _btnClear_Click; _btnOpen = new Button { Text = "打开串口" }; _btnOpen.Click += _btnOpen_Click; _btnSend = new Button { Text = "串口发送" }; _btnSend.Click += _btnSend_Click; _checkBoxHex = new CheckBox{ Text = "是否Hex"}; label7 = new Label(); layout_serialPort.BeginVertical(); layout_serialPort.BeginHorizontal(); layout_serialPort.AddAutoSized(new Label() { Text = "端口号:" }, new Padding(0, 3)); layout_serialPort.AddAutoSized(_comboBoxSerialPortName); layout_serialPort.EndBeginHorizontal(); layout_serialPort.BeginHorizontal(); layout_serialPort.AddAutoSized(new Label() { Text = "波特率:" }, new Padding(0, 3)); layout_serialPort.AddAutoSized(_comboBoxSerialBaudRate); layout_serialPort.EndBeginHorizontal(); layout_serialPort.BeginHorizontal(); layout_serialPort.AddAutoSized(new Label() { Text = "数据位:" }, new Padding(0, 3)); layout_serialPort.AddAutoSized(_comboBoxSerialDataBits); layout_serialPort.EndBeginHorizontal(); layout_serialPort.BeginHorizontal(); layout_serialPort.AddAutoSized(new Label() { Text = "效验位:" }, new Padding(0, 3)); layout_serialPort.AddAutoSized(_comboBoxSerialParity); layout_serialPort.EndBeginHorizontal(); layout_serialPort.BeginHorizontal(); layout_serialPort.AddAutoSized(new Label() { Text = "停止位:" }, new Padding(0, 3)); layout_serialPort.AddAutoSized(_comboBoxSerialStopBits); layout_serialPort.EndBeginHorizontal(); //layout_serialPort.AddColumn(); //layout_serialPort.AddColumn(); layout_serialPort.EndBeginVertical(); layout_right.AddAutoSized(layout_serialPort); layout_right.AddCentered(new Panel() { Content = _btnClear, ClientSize = new Size(164, 37), MinimumSize = new Size(164, 37) }, null, null, true); layout_right.AddCentered(new Panel() { Content = _btnOpen, ClientSize = new Size(164, 37), MinimumSize = new Size(164, 37) }, new Padding(0, 80, 0, 0), null, true); layout_right.AddCentered(new Panel() { Content = _btnSend, ClientSize = new Size(164, 37), MinimumSize = new Size(164, 37) }, new Padding(0, 10), null, true); layout_right.AddCentered(_checkBoxHex); layout_right.AddAutoSized(label7); var layout = new Splitter() { Panel1 = layout_left, Panel2 = layout_right, Orientation = SplitterOrientation.Horizontal }; this.Content = layout; this.Title = "串口助手"; } private TextArea _textAreaIn; private TextArea _textAreaOut; private ComboBox _comboBoxSerialPortName; private ComboBox _comboBoxSerialBaudRate; private ComboBox _comboBoxSerialDataBits; private ComboBox _comboBoxSerialParity; private ComboBox _comboBoxSerialStopBits; private Button _btnClear; private Button _btnOpen; private Button _btnSend; private CheckBox _checkBoxHex; private Label label7; }
class Program { [STAThread] static void Main(string[] args) { new Application().Run(new MainForm()); } }
- Panel - Controls that subclass Panel, such as Window, GroupBox, Scrollable, etc allow you to specify a single child Content control
- TableLayout - Similar to how an HTML table works, with a single control per cell
- PixelLayout - Specify X,Y co-ordinates for the position of each control (from Upper-Left)
- DynamicLayout - Dynamic hierarchical horizontal and vertical layout
相当于控件容器,用于Control的摆放,下面就看看各个平台下的显示效果 ^_^
原文地址: http://www.cnblogs.com/LHCCC/p/4371605.html